- Unusual Love (To V.Elisa)

De Luan Caetano inspirado em minha pequena história amorosa

I got this feeling from nowhere 
And I don't know when it started 
Now I love even our highs and lows 
That makes me remember how much you worth trying

It's an unusual love, I know, but I'm not giving up
People say that we're not meant to be
 But nobody knows it more than me 
This feeling is bigger than the highest mountain

And if they try to take me away from my love
 I'll have to walk away from everyone 
Just to get closer to you 
And if you call me at 4 am to a walk running away from the world I'll go without thinking twice 'Cause I can feel you're feelings 
And our hearts beats in the same intensity 
Our melody comes in the same frequency

I don't have any doubts that you are the one 
Our clumsy kiss sealed our union 
When you're with me I feel infinite 
When you're not with me I feel empty

Don't need to be sad 
Don't need to be afraid
 'Cause even if you have no strenght to fight
 I will fight for me, for you and for us, until the eternity comes

And if they try to take me away from my love 
I'll have to walk away from everyone J
ust to get closer to you 
And if you call me at 4 am to a walk running away from the world I'll go without thinking twice 'Cause I can feel you're feelings
 And our hearts beats in the same intensity 
Our melody comes in the same frequency

Look me in the eye 
Take me in your arms
 Dance with me as the music floats through this rythm
 Run with me through this starlit night 
And love me all night long
 So I won't have to see you walk away with tearful eyes 
When all I wanted to do is stay one more minute with you 
And tell you that I'll love you 'till the end of times"


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